IDIOM GAME INSTRUCTIONS NON-MOUSE USERS: If you don’t have a mouse or prefer not to use a mouse when playing this game, it can be played by using the ALT key and letter keys. When you want to select a command button or menu item, the letter you will use simultaneously with the ALT key will be underlined. Here is an example of how the ALT and letter keys are used together. If you see ALT G, in the instructions or on your game screen, it means you need to depress and hold down the ALT key while you press and release the letter G. MOUSE USERS: All Menu items and command buttons are selected using a single mouse click. Do not double-click. HOW TO PRINT INSTRUCTIONS: Click PRINT INSTRUCTIONS on the menu bar or press and release ALT P. HOW TO RETURN TO THE GAME: Click CLOSE INSTRUCTIONS on the menu bar or press and release ALT C. TWO VERSIONS OF THIS GAME: For general information about the version of the Idiom Game you have obtained, click ABOUT on the menu bar or press and release ALT U. The ABOUT IDIOM GAME information box will appear. To remove the box from the screen, click the CLOSE button or press and release ALT C. Unregistered Version (OK to share) The unregistered version contain only 2 question data bases and 5 idioms. Its purpose is to give users an opportunity to try the game before buying it. It is OK to share this version of the game with others. Complete Game Version (Do not share) Once the game is registered and paid for, the author sends the payee a complete game disk which contains 6 question databases and 50 idioms.This version should not be shared. If you have obtained a copy of the complete game without purchasing it from the author or an official distributor, you have an illegal copy. If you want to keep the game, and not feel guilty, please register and pay the author for it !!!! To see registration information and obtain a copy of the registration form, click REGISTRATION on the menu bar or press and release ALT R. OBJECT OF THE GAME: To win a game, you must correctly guess the IDIOM (phrase, expression, figure of speech) that is hidden behind a black panel. Each time you answer a multiple choice question correctly, part of the idiom will be displayed giving you an opportunity to guess it. The idiom is depicted by words and pictures that must be mentally put together to figure out its meaning. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: This game can be played alone or with two or more people. TO START THE GAME: After selecting the Idiom Game Icon at the Program Manger window, the IDIOM game screen will be displayed. To initially start the game, click the START GAME button or press and release ALT G. A portion of the screen will turn black; it is used to cover up the Idiom you will be guessing during the game. DATA BASE SELECTION: This game contains religious and non-religious multiple choice. questions. There are 6 categories of questions to choose from. The Game initially uses non-religious general trivia questions. It is OK to switch from category to category while playing the game. To switch to another category of questions, click SELECT QUESTION TYPE on the menu bar or press and release ALT T; a drop down menu will appear. From the drop down menu, make a selection by clicking one of the category lines or by pressing the underlined letter on the line. The program switches categories and closes the drop down menu. HOW TO DISPLAY A QUESTION: When its your turn to play, click the DISPLAY QUESTION button or press and release ALT D. A multiple choice question will be displayed. The program randomly selects questions from a database so it is possible for the same question to be displayed more than once during a single game. If this happens, it is your option to answer the question or display a new question by selecting the DISPLAY QUESTION button again. To answer a question, click the round button to the left of an answer or depress and hold down the ALT key while you press and release the underlined letter to the left of the question (a, b, or c). IF YOU ANSWER A QUESTION INCORRECTLY: When a question is answered incorrectly, a box will be displayed on the screen instructing you on what to do. IF YOU ANSWER A QUESTION CORRECTLY: When a question is answered correctly, part of the idiom will be revealed and a box will be displayed on the screen instructing you to guess the idiom. You have 20 seconds to type an answer in the text box provided at the bottom of the screen and to select either the NO GUESS or OK button. IF YOU DON'T GUESS THE IDIOM IN THE ALLOTTED TIME: If you don’t select the NO GUESS or OK button within 20 seconds, the program will display a box with, 'Sorry, Times Up'. The screen will be frozen until you click the OK button inside this box or press the ENTER key. By selecting OK, the box is removed, and the screen will instruct you on what to do next. IF YOU FORFEIT YOUR TURN OR INCORRECTLY GUESS THE IDIOM: If you do not have an answer or you guess the idiom incorrectly, the screen will instruct you on what to do next. If the entire idiom is displayed and you still can’t guess it’s meaning, a button labeled, I GIVE - DISPLAY MEANING will appear. By clicking this button or pressing and releasing ALT G, the meaning will be displayed. Along with the idiom information, a button labeled NEW GAME will appear. If you want to play another game, click this button or press and release ALT N. The program will hid a new idiom behind a black panel and wait for you to select the DISPLAY QUESTION button. IF YOU CORRECTLY GUESS THE IDIOM: If you guess the idiom, the program takes you to the winner’s screen where you will be rewarded with an animated picture. At this screen you have two choices... 1) If you want to quit the game without seeing the complete idiom and its meaning, click the EXIT button or press and release ALT E. 2) If you want to see the idiom along with its meaning, click the SEE COMPLETE IDIOM button or press and release ALT S. HOW TO PLAY ANOTHER GAME FROM THE WINNER'S SCREEN: If you want to play another game, click the NEW GAME button or press and release ALT N. The program will hid a new idiom behind a black panel and wait for you to select the DISPLAY QUESTION button. HOW TO END THE GAME AT ANY TIME: During a game there will always be a QUIT or EXIT button displayed near the bottom right-hand side of the screen that can be selected to end the game. A game can also be ended at any time from the menu bar. To end a game this way, click FILE on the menu bar or press and release ALT F. A drop down menu will appear. From the drop down menu, click EXIT or press E. HOW TO START A NEW GAME BEFORE FINISHING THE CURRENT GAME: Idioms are selected at random by the program, therefore during one playing session, say you play 8 games in a row, an idiom could be randomly selected more than once. If this happens, it is your option to guess the idiom or start a new game. To start a new game, click FILE on the menu bar or press and release ALT F. A drop down menu will appear. From the drop down menu, click NEW GAME or press N. HOW TO PLAY WITH OR WITHOUT SOUND EFFECTS: This game includes sound effects if you have a sound card in your PC. Sound is initially turned on when the program starts. If you don't have a sound card, click the sound off. This will stop error messages from appearing as you're playing the game. Although sound can make a game more interesting, to some people its just plain annoying. Therefore during the game the sound can be turned off and on at any time. To turn the sound off, click SOUND on the menu bar or press and release ALT S. A drop down menu will appear. From the drop down menu, click OFF or press F. To turn the sound back on, click SOUND on the menu bar or press and release ALT S. A drop down menu will appear. From the drop down menu, click ON or press O. Note: With the sound turned on, there are three different animated pictures displayed at random by the program when you guess an idiom correctly; without sound there is only one. With sound there is also two different verbal statements presented when you uncover the entire idiom but give up guessing its meaning. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: You may not reproduce or distribute the software or any written material accompanying the software without the author's permission. The author can be reached at... D. Wulfemeyer c/o Computer Software Training 2235 Mountain View Drive Escondido, California 92027 THOUGHT FOR LIFE: It's never too late to be what you might have been...Ask God for help.